Jack Byrne Regional Sport & Entertainment Centre (JBRSEC) is owned by the four surrounding communities, including the Towns of Torbay, Logy Bay- Middle Cove- Outer Cove, Flatrock and Pouch Cove. The facility is operated by a ten member appointed Board of Directors.
The facility was opened in October 2008 thanks in part to the late Jack Byrne for whom the facility has been named.
JBRSEC is home to Northeast Minor Hockey Association, Northeast Junior Eagles, Outer Cove Marines, and host to Prince of Wales Skating Club.
We also welcome hundreds patrons who participate in our recreation programs- General skating, Adult skating, Parent & Tot skating, and the JBR Wellness Club.
There are also thousands who visit for events including Tradeshows, Craft Fairs, Graduations and our own Killick Coast Concert Series.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Developed and Hosted by Boom I.T. | Theme: Appointment Green by Webriti